Saturday 1 November 2014

Halloween - The Tsawwassen Pumpkin Competition!

So this week, its halloween - YAY! Something ive heard canadians go kinda crazy about, so im excited to expereince that.

Tsawwassen Mall held their annual pumpkin decorating competiton. the rules quite clearly said you could decorate your pumkin in any way! So here is a little insight into my 'design'

First, 'carve' your pumkin. dont cut round the top like a traditonal pumpkin, cut it like this!
You'll then need to scrape out all the insides and make the edge there a bit thinner too so the frame is less chunky. I would recommend choosing a pumpkin which isnt too small, and also if it has a sprout thing out the top which you can pick it up with, that would help too!

Next, you print your gravestones. I just found this image on pinterest, whacked it into microsoft word, and used the text tool to make the names. Simple! I also made a mini version for the dog, and found some bat shapes to print too. They are all stuck to cocktail sticks!

For the inside, its hard to see, but i cut a black fence just from card and a craft knife, and there were cocktail sticks on each end of that too.
The 'grass' is spinach leaves. Yup! or any foiliage you can find. Branches might have looked quite awesome in there too.

 Okay, you can see it a little clearer here, the inside. See how i shaved the framing edge down? it doesnt catch your eye so much now. I also pierced two holes in the roof to string my skeleten man. i found him in the dollar store, he actually had a glowstick inside him too!  I bought cheap glowsticks and placed them behind the fence, which gave this creepy glow as you can see!
I then painted the outside black with poster paint. I was recommended poster paint by the local art stop, but as you can see, it completely peeled. i have no idea why! But anyway - i guess it kinda added to the effect. It was just annoying to transport as i didnt want more flaking off really!

The design was finished off with some sequins pinned on and a 'The Haunted Graveyard' banner to name to piece. 

here was my competition! I am happy to announce that i did win the price for this and got $120 to spend in the local art store! Well - that was worth the effort! Although you can see it peeled so much more here.

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